Sports Nutrition Coach
Accredited Sports Nutritionist - Sports Nutrition Association (SNA) in 2023
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
M. A. in Business Administration from San Diego University for Integrative Studies (SDUIS)
Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Park University
Health Coach and Sport Nutritionist (2020-present)
Club volleyball coach (2015-2020) and high school volleyball coach (2017-2019) in San Diego
Business management, sales and marketing experience
Born and raised in Recife/ Brazil
Played volleyball at a few of Brazil’s top junior clubs (Sada Cruzeiro and Minas Tênis)
Played at the NAIA collegiate level, where he became a national champion in 2014
Named National Player of the Year and All-American in 2015 during his senior year
Men’s Volleyball Conference Freshman of the Year and First Team All-Conference in 2012
Trust the Process
What is Bio Individuality?
Practice Conscious Eating
What Causes Bloating?


CONVERSAT10N: Sports Hydration.
Learn about the symptoms of dehydration, when athletes should drink water and the best tips for hydration.
CONVERSAT10N: Nutritional Theories and Bio Individuality.
Learn about how to figure out what foods or diets work best for you, being conscious and aware of your body’s messages, and how to trust the nutrition process
CONVERSAT10N: Sports Nutrition 101: Macronutrients.
Learn about fueling for peak performance, why the timing of your nutrition matters, and how to build a balanced meal.